Program Overview

Through a cooperative arrangement with Cornerstone University, students pursuing a degree in Biology Pre-Med major emphasis will be provided with the fundamental knowledge, experience and analytical ability to successfully pursue further education toward medical degrees. READ MORE


Curriculum / Courses

  • + BI 215 -Biblical Interpretation
  • An introduction to the principles and practice of biblical interpretation as well as the primary tools of biblical research. Intended primarily for students majoring in Biblical Studies, this course seeks to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to correctly interpret and analyze various literary genres, as well as develop skills needed for accurate practical application and teaching. Christian Ministry requirements are also embedded in this course.

  • + BI 312 -The Gospel of John
  • A study of the theology of JohnÕs Gospel, including the origin and social setting of the Fourth Gospel. The course will examine JohnÕs unique contribution to theology as well as the pastoral significance of the Johannine literature. Offered alternate years.

  • + BIO 151 -General Biology
  • + BIO 233 -Zoology
  • + BIO 347 -Introduction to Nutrition
  • + BIO 351 -Genetics
  • + BIO 352 -Microbiology
  • + CHM 231 -Organic Chemistry I
  • + EN -English
  • Students will complete (1) EN 101 and EN 102 or (2) EN 201* *English placement is based on a student's SAT or ACT scores.

  • + COM 131 -Fundamentals of Speech
  • Fundamentals of Speech will increase studentsÕ knowledge and awareness of the theory and principles of public speaking. Casual and formal speaking opportunities will be used to develop confidence as a public speaker. Topic selection, cultural intelligence and sensitivity for diverse audiences, patterns of organization, development of supporting materials and creative presentation of ideas are part of the course.

  • + GE 101 -The Grace Experience
  • The Grace Experience will facilitate students' understanding of Christian worldview and its application to Christian university life. Through various educational experiences, students will learn about self, others, cultural intelligence, career options, and how the Body of Christ works together to impact the world for His glory. As part of the course, students will gain an understanding of a successful, fulfilling path to graduation, and preparation to serve Christ in church and society. Christian Ministry requirements are also embedded in this course.

  • + HI 114 -History of Civilization II
  • A study emphasizing Western and non-Western nation-states from 1500 to the present which probes formative ideas, themes, issues and events such as industrialism, imperialism, nationalism, revolutions, communism and the Cold War, and an analysis of increasing globalization.

  • + PE 132 -Fitness and Health
  • An introduction to the benefits of developing good fitness and health practices including cardiovascular and muscular functions, nutrition, stress management and the implementation of various programs that will enable the student to explore and improve his/her innate abilities. The class is designed to improve fitness through testing, analysis, study, lectures, and participation.

  • + PE Lifetime Activity
  • + PH 201 -Western Philosophical Thought
  • This course serves as an introduction to the development of philosophy in the Western world. It includes a survey of the history of philosophical ideas and personalities from the ancient Greek and Hebrew traditions to the present. Attention is also given to the postmodern critique of philosophy and theology, and the questions this critique raises for 21st century Christians.

  • + PS 201 -Introduction to Psychology
  • This course is a general survey of the discipline of psychology including the principles, methods, vocabulary, and major theories in the study of human behavior. Consideration will be given to selected application of psychology for life and ministry.

  • + SO 251 -Principles of Sociology
  • Study of contemporary Western society with emphasis on culture, socialization, group life, social institutions, social processes and social change.

  • + IDS 101 -Creativity, Innovation and Problem Solving
  • + HUM 311 -Imagination in Culture or GBC Fine Arts
  • + BL 102 -Old Testament Literature
  • This course is designed to survey the literature of the Old Testament in its historical setting, literary types, and main ideas. Attention is given to outstanding persons, events, and major teachings.

  • + BL 202 -New Testament Literature
  • This course is designed to survey the literature of the New Testament in its historical setting, literary types, and main ideas. Attention is given to outstanding persons, events, and maj

  • + BI 205 -Bible Study Methods and Application
  • An introduction to the principles and practice of inductive Bible study, with emphasis on the effective communication of biblical truth. This course will include assignments intended to develop skills in expository writing and biblical instruction. Christian Ministry requirements are also embedded in this course.

  • + BI -Upper Division Bible Elective(s)
  • Upper Division Bible Electives

  • + TH 161 -Christian Worldview
  • + TH 162 -Christian Mission
  • + TH 213 -Biblical Christian Thought
  • This course emphasizes Scripture as the basis of Christian thought about God and surveys a range of Christian doctrine from the standpoint of systematic, historical & dogmatic theology. It also includes a survey of the progressive revelation of GodÕs plan in Scripture as foundational to a Christian worldview; provides a focused introduction to Pauline dispensational theology and its unique ecclesiological and eschatological interests. Christian Ministry requirements are also embedded in this course.

  • + TH -Upper Division Theology Elective
  • Upper Division Theology Elective

  • + TH 301 -Formation and Service I
  • This course focuses on the practical outworking of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The importance of the Holy Spirit will be stressed, with attention given to how the Spirit equips GodÕs people for service. Christian Ministry requirements are also embedded in this course.

  • + TH 302 -Formation and Service II
  • This course emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. Special consideration will be given to the development of a plan for lifelong spiritual growth. Christian ministry requirements are also embedded in this course.

  • + BIO 151 -General Biology
  • + BIO 233 -Zoology
  • + BIO 351 -Genetics
  • + BIO 400 -Capstone Seminar: Bioethics & Argument Theory
  • + SCI 361 -Evolution & Origins
  • + SCI 380 -Internship
  • + SCI 495 -Senior Research Project
  • + SCI 496 -Senior Research Seminar
  • + BIO 241 -Anatomy & Physiology I
  • + BIO 242 -Anatomy & Physiology II
  • + BIO 352 -Microbiology
  • + BIO 451 -Molecular Cell Biology
  • + CHM 121 -General Chemistry I
  • + CHM 122 -General Chemistry II
  • + CHM 230 -Organic Chemistry I Lab
  • + CHM 231 -Organic Chemistry I
  • + CHM 232 -Organic Chemistry II
  • + CHM 233 -Organic Chemistry II Lab
  • + MAT 151 -Statistics
  • + PHY 211 -Physics I
  • + PHY 212 -Physics II
  • + MC -Mathematics
  • Mathematics Elective

  • TOTAL CREDITS: 139-145

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Graduating Godly Individuals Prepared to Serve Christ in Church and Society.

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Bible Centered

Grace Theology

Ministry Focused

Transformational Relationships

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To be a vibrant University exalting Jesus Christ, preparing culturally intelligent students for diverse careers in the global marketplace.

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 A statement of the doctrinal position to which the Board, Administration, and Faculty of Grace Christian University are committed.

As a parent, I have seen my children grow into young adults, educated and competent to serve Christ in their world. They were given the tools to respond with grace and to be an example of God's love in whatever they do.

Joyce Storms, Alumni, Parent, Staff

I have seen my Children Grow [at Grace]